Enter in a new and abstract world, unnatural at first glance. Surrounded by sounds and familiar images, but far from your experiences. These experiences are common, even if you do not recognise them because "silenced" in your every day routine. They are phenomena that become important only on enormous scale, cosmical in a certain way, and within physical condition incompatible with human life. The familiar "voice" of the light will guide you in this amazing world. The light, the electromagnetic radiation generated in the different astrophysical scenarios of the Universe, is the main broadcast channel the astronomers have to explore the different secrets of the Cosmos. The light, unceasing explorer, narrates the different scenarios in which it has been generated: Supernovae explosion, matter falling into a black hole, solar flares, etc. Far and arcane phenomena that elude our direct experience, but that are at the center of the most advanced scientific research.
Into the (un)known is a multi-sensory, immersive exploration of the Cosmos, where the most recent astrophysical data are heightened into real works of art, so to allow the public to access scenarios - until now reserved only to researchers - with emotional immediacy. Images, videos, sounds and Virtual Reality experiences allow the observer to dive into some of the most evocative scenarios of the Universe, where to ear the light, beside just see it. Into the (un)known does not answer to astrophysical questions, but want to stimulate new ones. Because curiosity and wonder are the first step to get close to Science and Research.
Into the (un)known is a project realised with the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in collaboration with University of Bologna and CINECA. A multi-disciplinary collaboration that puts together the scientific narration of the most recent astrophysical research with the most advanced technologies of data visualisation and computer graphic with the VisitLab of CINECA and data sonification realised by Joe Paradiso from Medialab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
More information available (ITALIAN only): https://into-the-unknown.inaf.it
Photo Gallery
A Sacred Forest
An inside journey around a black hole
Light on the invisible
relics of a cutting out boarding
Media Coverage
Here a selection of press release and media coverage:
Rizzitano I. (2020, 28 Oct) Into the (un)known - l’esplorazione del cosmo che diventa arte. Retrieved from https://liguriaoggi.it (TIALIAN)
Barosso E. (2020, 26 Oct) Into the (un)known. Retrieved from https://edu.inaf.it (ITALIAN)
An exhibition supported and organised by
INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Created and directed by
Giannandrea Inchingolo (Unibo/INAF)
INAF Project Manager
Caterina Boccato
Scientific Support
Francesca Aloisio
Sandro Bardelli
Silvia Casu
Federico di Giacomo
Sara Ricciardi
Alessandra Zanazzi
In collaboration with
Giulia Iafrate
Federico Gasparo
Stefano Sandrelli
Visual collaboration with
CINECA VISIT LAB - Visual Information Laboratory
Antonella Guidazzoli
Giannandrea Inchingolo
Paolo Zuzolo
Francesco M. Cultrera
Andrea Rami
Daniele De Luca
Silvano Imboden
Giannandrea Inchingolo
Marianna Silvano
Data Sonification
Joseph Paradiso (MIT Media Lab)
Sofia Sarperi
F. Vazza, D. Wittor, C. Stuardi e K. Rajpurohit for the scientific material used. Numerical simulation performed using the particle-in-cell code OSIRIS (http://epp.ist.utl.pt/) and the cosmological simulation code ENZO (http://enzo-project.org). Work partially found by the European Research Council with the Horizon2020 Starting Grants MAGCOW n. 714196 e l’Advanced Grant INPAIRS n. 695088. We Acknowledge the (AM)^2 research group of prof. Serena Morigi of Mathematical Department of the University of Bologna and the Visit Lab of Antonella Guidazzoli of CINECA through the project FIBER OF THE UNIVERSE (http://visitlab.cineca.it/index.php/portfolio/fiber-of-the-universe/)